Click on a part number to view the price and/or purchase it. CHEVROLET / GMC LT TRUCK S10 S15 Pickup Front Wheel . 1994-1983.....S10 4WD without ABS.................. 513013, BR930052 1994-1983.....S15 4WD without ABS...................513013, BR930052 1996-1990.....S10 4WD with ABS.................... 513061, BR930064 1996-1990.....S15 4WD with ABS.....................513061, BR930064 1997........S10 4WD without ABS.....................513013, BR930052 1997........S10 4WD with ABS Ring................. 513061, BR930064 1997........S15 4WD with ABS Ring...................513061, BR930064 2004-1997.....4WD / AWD.S-10.....................513124, BR930097 2004-1997.....4WD / AWD..Sonoma...................513124, BR930097 [The Wheel Bearings and Hub Assemblies that we provide are not limited to the above Models. Please use our wheel bearing lookup form if you can't locate bearings, and we will look them up for you.]
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